Dr. Megan Green has been employed by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs since 2007 and originally served as a treatment provider for veterans with co-morbid trauma-related and substance use disorders. She performed Compensation and Pension evaluations for veterans seeking disability benefits on a part-time basis from 2008 through 2010. She has been employed as a full-time Compensation and Pension examiner since 2010. She completes pre-employment, annual health-monitoring, and fitness-for-duty evaluations for VA police officers and supervises assessment practicum for Marshall University students and the Compensation and Pension internship rotation
for pre-doctoral interns. She is an adjunct faculty member at Marshall University and has taught undergraduate and graduate-level abnormal psychology courses. She has been the sole proprietor of a private forensic psychology practice in eastern Kentucky since 2010 and in that capacity has completed thousands of consultative examinations for the Social Security Administration. She also performs Social Security disability, worker’s compensation, and personal injury evaluations for private attorneys. She has been employed at Hudson Forensic Psychology since 2017 and performs parental fitness evaluations and examinations of decision-making capacity. She has been qualified as an expert witness in a number of judicial circuits within West Virginia.
Contact Dr. Green by phone at (800) 983-2875 ext. 7 or by email at [email protected].
Click here to view a copy of Dr. Green's curriculum vitae.
for pre-doctoral interns. She is an adjunct faculty member at Marshall University and has taught undergraduate and graduate-level abnormal psychology courses. She has been the sole proprietor of a private forensic psychology practice in eastern Kentucky since 2010 and in that capacity has completed thousands of consultative examinations for the Social Security Administration. She also performs Social Security disability, worker’s compensation, and personal injury evaluations for private attorneys. She has been employed at Hudson Forensic Psychology since 2017 and performs parental fitness evaluations and examinations of decision-making capacity. She has been qualified as an expert witness in a number of judicial circuits within West Virginia.
Contact Dr. Green by phone at (800) 983-2875 ext. 7 or by email at [email protected].
Click here to view a copy of Dr. Green's curriculum vitae.