Dr. William Whited earned a B.A. in Psychology and Criminal Justice at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2010. He obtained a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2016. He has taught several undergraduate psychology courses and worked in a variety of clinical settings as a trainee and/or psychologist, including a community counseling clinic, state and federal correctional facilities, a residential treatment program, and private practices specializing in working with behavioral health and forensic populations. He is currently employed as a staff psychologist at the Federal Correctional Institution in Welch, WV, and as a forensic evaluator at Hudson Forensic Psychology. As a clinical psychologist within the federal prison system, he has provided evidence-based psychological services (e.g., individual and group therapy, crisis intervention) aimed at helping inmates manage their mental illness and preparing them for their eventual release to the community. As a forensic evaluator at Hudson Forensic Psychology, he performs parental fitness evaluations, child forensic evaluations, and general psychological evaluations. Dr. Whited is licensed in Virginia and West Virginia.
Contact Dr. Whited by phone at (800) 983-2875 ext. 9 or by email at [email protected].
Click here to see a copy of Dr. Whited's curriculum vitae.
Contact Dr. Whited by phone at (800) 983-2875 ext. 9 or by email at [email protected].
Click here to see a copy of Dr. Whited's curriculum vitae.